Saturday, 9 April 2011

Lessons in Life

The smell of fresh cut grass, the breeze gently blowing on my face as the sun beats down on me… and the drone of the lawn mower as my thoughts run circles around my mind… today there is no off switch… so the connectors in the grey matter are synapsing and the thought patterns growing.  I have always been told I think too much… and when I have the questions after a thinking session… the responses have been 'Oh no… you been thinking again…"  The family joke is that all my thinking created another brain that was growing on my brain to make space for all the thoughts that happen in my grey matter…

 "Five % of the people think, 10 % of the people think they think, and the other 85 % would rather die than think." - Thomas Edison.

Here I am spending time in my home town, at my parents home where there were so many life lessons taught and received.  This is my story and am sure that I will connect with a number of you as we all have our stories to tell. As Dan Poynter says "we all have a book inside of us, wanting to come out"

I come from a working class family where we wanted for nothing but there was not an abundance but I was given such treasures… treasures that have stood me in good stead through my years. Generosity, love, wisdom, openness, guidelines, inspiration and belief amongst the many others.. Belief in wanting to achieve and provide the moments that they will be proud of the woman I have become.

The home is not built on the bricks and paint but on the laughs, the cries, the words of wisdom,  and on the life that has been lived in the walls…  I have had many firsts in this space ~- starting my high school career, ending my high school career, my first boyfriend.. The love of my life… the first kiss,  the first  job on the line to my amazing career… yes all these things have transpired in these walls.. The emotions have grown from these spaces…  and as many of us constantly search for that happiness… that thing… I want to say maybe our happiness is all the small moments… strung together that entwine our lives and give us the determination to keep going.

Sitting down to a table with a stranger in theory but sharing the deepest and most precious of thoughts with someone  is how I spent this afternoon…. Taking the time to get to know a new/old person on a completely special level. I am stringing all of my moments together and will continue to learn the lessons…

What would you change about your school career? Where you one of the cool kids that just eased through life, where you the nerdy type and did it impact your life… Did you learn any lessons that you can take and teach to your children ? Are you teaching them those lessons ?

“The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson.”
 Tom Bodett

To be a force of nature does not mean that you need to powerful and driving all the time…it means  you need to be consistent,  level & pushing the cart because from those components You are the force that determines your Nature….

The trouble with …Learning from experience is that you never graduate. - Doug Larson, United Feature Syndicate

1 comment:

  1. Hou van jou aanhalings....dit help my om weer positief te raak. Keep up the good work and keep on thinking....
