Allow me to share with you and conjure up just a fraction of emotion as to what memory I have for my April fool’s day joke.
I use this statement often… Give time Time…. It was a difficult lesson for me to learn and I found myself battling to take in all the aspects of this lesson.
So the significance of this day has remained with me and will because I was given a second chance beyond the obvious ones we get every day…
9 years have passed since I passed away and was brought back to be diagnosed with a brain tumour that needed to be removed…. I had not turned 30 yet and had no idea that this could be the end… but I believed that I would come through it… that Jehovah would bring me through to the other side and guide me. There were a number of HERO’s placed in my life to ensure that I lived. The scans showed that the brain tumour had been growing for many years and was now pushing into the grey matter and was causing seizures and it had to be removed.
There are not many people that can say… I have been scalped and survived… but I can…and I did…
After many hours of wondering, hoping to understand and then believing that there are special moments that have ensured I would be here for more days of passion, of laughter, of sadness, of challenges and of love…
“Don't go the way life takes you, take life the way you want to go & remember you are born to live & not living because you are born.” I gave time TIME...but now I am taking back the reins...
I LIVED to LIVE..... The hidden significance is not there, I am not going to make a difference by been a Lance Armstrong or Alison, but my difference is that in my own way I have survived and I have lived, I have made mistakes, learnt and worked like any other person putting one foot forward at a time and sometimes that journey takes just as much courage as any extraordinary journey does.
My life journey started 38 years ago but the beyond the obvious years that I have been given, they have in themself been a life lesson and over the last 2 years my life has been wrought with not believing in myself and what my sense is to the world. I did not put emphasis on the journey and then looking and saying I have done nothing different, I am living in this amazing time…but today I have again breathed in and lived another day, another year ~ yes faced with challenges however I am here and writing this because I was given the chance to express my love for life, my passion for people, my compassion to our space.
I did it… I survived, I fought back and made a living just living… and then my questions started and the self-doubt… but I want to say… that every survivor goes through those emotions… which by reference then equates that we are all survivors… And we are all hero’s to someone at some time… I have had amazing people come into my life for a season or a reason and to all of you, the ones that are still there or not, please give me the chance to say thank you for your contribution to me and to apologise if I have in any way taken away from you in an obvious way or not.
We all have a purpose, so find your present purpose – what you should be doing RIGHT now, it is part of the journey and this is the first step ~ admitting, questioning and then understanding that it is time for your change. As you start this new journey, life will breath in new excitement and you will be more alive than you have ever experienced.
So go discover beyond the obvious, what YOU were born to do!
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